AWS Marketplace User Guide for Pathway Seats

Christine Avery
Christine Avery
  • Updated

Xvoucher sells Certification Pathway Seat Packages via the AWS Marketplace. These are purchased through a subscription in the AWS Marketplace and then managed in the Xvoucher application.

This article will go over how to request a private offer, agree to a subscription in the AWS Marketplace, set up your Xvoucher account, and distribute your seats to end-users.

How to Request a Private Offer

To request a private offer from Xvoucher for an AWS Marketplace listing

  1. Identify the number of vouchers and the levels you would like to purchase.
    • Foundational
    • Associate
    • Professional/Specialtymceclip0.png
  2. Submit the Xvoucher Private offer request form here

How to Subscribe to a Private Offer

  1. The Xvoucher Sales team will send you/your BDM a private offer URL, this URL will allow you to agree to the subscription via the AWS Marketplace
  2. The AWS Marketplace account holder will need to log into the AWS Marketplace Account for which the Customer ID was submitted
  3. Follow the URL to review the contract and subscribe to the offer
  4. Select your Xvoucher Subscription private offer from the drop-down. (this will be automatically populated when you first land on this page)
    • Note: Price will vary depending on the package being purchased. For pricing inquiries please visit this page.
  5. Click Create Contract when you are ready to subscribe to the offer. mceclip1.jpg
  6. Once you have created the contract a box will pop up with a Congratulations message.
  7. Click Setup your account this will direct you to Xvoucher to begin creating your account.
    • Note: Please wait a few minutes before clicking the button. The order will take a few moments to process.



How to Setup your Xvoucher Account

  1. You will be taken to Xvoucher to create a user account, if you already have an account click Already a user to sign in.
  2. Once you have created your account you will be prompted to log into your Xvoucher account.
  3. Once logged in you will enter your organizations information to create your Xvoucher Customer profile.
  4. Click continue to be taken to your Xvoucher dashboard where you will be able to distribute the licenses you purchased.
  5. If you would like to purchase additional licenses via the AWS Marketplace send our AWS help team an email 

Using your Xvoucher Account - Dashboard Overview of your Xvoucher Account

  • Customer Dashboard: Home

Dashboard overview of your Xvoucher account.


  • Recent Activity
    • Your most recent assigned seats
  • Inventory Overview
    • Your current inventory
      • Available: Inventory currently available to distribute
      • Assigned: Inventory you have assigned to candidates, but the candidate has not yet logged into their Xvoucher account to access the seat. 
      • Consumed: Inventory accessed by candidates
      • Assign: Click here to assign a license to a candidate

How to Distribute

  1. Go to Distribute or click Assign next to the license on your dashboard.
  2. A window will open where you can choose to manually type or paste in candidate information, or you can choose to upload a file
  3. Enter your candidate's First Name, Last Name and Email. You can also copy from an excel spreadsheet and paste into this spreadsheet. Make sure to enter all details for each row, if you miss an email it will not assign a product to that candidate.
  4. If you already have a file created, you can select Upload File and upload an excel spreadsheet.
    • This page enables users to assign many Xvouchers of the same type at the same time, by uploading a XLSX, XLS, or CSV file with candidate information.
    • The file must conform to this format. The three columns per record (first name, last name, email address) are mandatory.mceclip5.jpg
  5. Click Save to return to the Assign screen.
  6. Next, you will be shown the candidates to whom you will assign products. You can also edit information and assign the products.
    • Click here to either edit the candidate’s info or delete the candidate.
  7. Click Assign button when you are done adding and editing your candidates.mceclip6.jpg
  8. The refreshed screen will show a message that says your candidates were assigned correctly. You can click Assign More to be taken back to the Available Products to Assign Page.
  9. The candidates will receive an email from notifying them of the assignment and instructions for accessing and using their voucher code.

How to Track Candidates

An account administrator can view tracking details. 

Go to Track in the menu and click Get Report


Search Filters

You can use any of the search filters to narrow down the results displayed in your report. When you have selected a filter click the ‘Get Report’ button to load the Candidate Exam Voucher Report.

Note: You can also click ‘Get Report’ without filling in any of the filters to pull an unfiltered report.


Candidate Email

The email address of the candidate/end-user assigned the voucher.

Assigned Date

The date on which the seat was distributed to the Candidate.

Event Date

The date the exam is scheduled by the Candidate. If the voucher is not currently associated with a scheduled event this field will be empty. Vouchers with no event date will not appear if a filter is applied to this column.

Registration Date

The date on which the Candidate used the voucher to register for an exam. If the voucher has not been used to register this field will be empty. Vouchers with no registration date will not appear if a filter is applied to this column.

Current State

Every voucher has a state. Select the state(s) you would like to appear. Current State definitions are listed below.


Current State

Filter your report on the current state of the voucher.


A Candidate has been issued a voucher but has not registered for the exam

Issued (Legacy)

PSI and Pearson VUE vouchers issued prior to enhanced reporting capabilities (this status will not update)


The Candidate is currently registered for an exam

Issued (Registration Canceled)

Voucher registration was canceled; the voucher can be used to reschedule

Issued (Event Canceled)

The exam was canceled; the voucher may be used to reschedule

Issued (Event Missed)

The Candidate did not show up for the exam; the voucher can be used to reschedule

Used (Registration Canceled)

Voucher registration was canceled; the voucher cannot be used to reschedule

Used (No Show)

The Candidate did not show for the exam; the voucher cannot be used to reschedule

Used (Event Canceled)

The event was canceled; voucher cannot be used to reschedule


The exam was delivered


Column Descriptions

When you click "Get Report" you will be able to view the details associated with each voucher. The description of those columns is below. 


Exam voucher code used to register for an exam.

Current State

The voucher status at the time the report was generated.

Issued to Name

First and last name of the Candidate to whom the voucher is issued.

Issued to Email

The email address of the Candidate to whom the voucher is issued.

Issued Product

Name of the product that was purchased and distributed to the Candidate. In the case of the Choose Your Provider, this will be the name of the product that the Candidate chose.

Expiration Date

The date on which the voucher expires and is no longer valid.

Registered Date

The date on which the Candidate used the voucher to register for an exam. If the voucher has not been used to register this field will be empty. Vouchers with no registration date will not appear if a filter is applied to this column.

Event Date

The date of the exam for which the voucher was used to register.

Expiration Date

The date on which the voucher expires and is no longer valid.



Managing your Inventory

This report will give you an overview of all assigned and unassigned seat licenses in your Xvoucher account.

Xvoucher Inventory


  • Action
    • Assign: The Xvoucher has not been assigned yet
    • Unassign: You can unassign the Xvoucher from a candidate if they have not accessed it yet – this is only available for Choose Your Provider vouchers.
    • Consumed: The seat has been accessed by a candidate, this does not mean the candidate has used the item. To check on a candidate's usage please visit the Track Candidate Exam Report
    • Expired: The item has expired
  • Order Date: The date the order was placed
  • Seat: The name of the Xvoucher license
  • Candidate Email: Email address of the candidate the product was assigned to
  • Date Assigned: The date the Xvoucher was assigned to a candidate
  • Date Consumed: The date the candidate accessed the item
  • Show More Detail: Click here to expand the grid and add more detailed information

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