How do I assign or distribute on the Xvoucher platform?

Christine Avery
Christine Avery
  • Updated

Within the Xvoucher platform assigning vouchers to your candidates is simple!

Please note that the Mass Assign Tool is only available to customers at the Standard or Professional tiers. Customers on the Basic tier will need to single assign (click here for that section).

Mass Assign

To assign vouchers in bulk, use the Mass Assign tool. This tool will automatically assign the soonest-expiring vouchers. 

  1. Click the Assign button on your Dashboard or navigate to Distribute > Product and click the Assign button next to the item you would like to assign to your candidates
  2. Enter your candidate’s information as shown in the screenshot below:
    1. Enter your candidates First Name, Last Name, and Email address
    2. Alternatively, select Upload File and upload a spreadsheet with the same format
    3. Click Save to return to the Assign screen 
      Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 3.21.39 PM.png
  3. Review the candidates to whom you will assign products
    1. Click here to either edit the candidate’s info or delete the candidate
    2. Click Assign when you are done adding and editing your candidates
      Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 3.28.41 PM.png
  4. The refreshed screen will show a message that says your products were assigned successfully.
  5. The candidates will receive an email with instructions detailing how to access their assigned product.

Single Assign

If you are on the Basic tier or if you would like to assign a specific voucher to a candidate, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Assign button on your Dashboard or navigate to Track > Inventory
  2. Choose the voucher you would like to assign and click Assign
  3. A modal will pop up for you to enter their First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. Optionally, you may set their Country and Language. 
  4. Click Assign
  5. The refreshed screen will show a message that says your products were assigned successfully.

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