How do I find expiration dates for my vouchers?

Sara Baaker
Sara Baaker
  • Updated

A Customer administrator can view voucher expiration dates in two reports.

How do I find Assigned vouchers that are expiring soon?

  1. Navigate to the Voucher Usage Report. 

  2. You'll want to search "Current State" as "Issued"

  3. Filter "Expiration Date" with today's current date, and a date 90 days out.

  4. Once you "Apply Filter", you'll be provided with a list of candidates, and their exam vouchers, so you can contact your candidates. 


How do I find Available or Assigned vouchers that are expiring soon?

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Detail Report.
  2. In the dropdown box, choose Unused Xvouchers. This will show you only vouchers that have not yet been assigned.
  3. The Expiration Date column is the last one to the right.
  4. You can enter any date in the Expiration Date filter field.
  5. You can also export this report by clicking the Excel icon next to the dropdown menu and use Excel filters to compile your data.


How do I find Assigned but Unconverted vouchers that are expiring soon?

  1. Navigate to the Inventory Detail Report.
  2. In the dropdown box, choose Assigned Xvouchers (not converted). This will show you only vouchers that have been assigned to candidates, but the candidate has not yet received the Supplier Voucher Code.
  3. The Expiration Date column is the last one to the right.
  4. You can enter any date in the Expiration Date filter field.
  5. You can also export this report by clicking the Excel icon next to the dropdown menu and use Excel filters to compile your data.


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